Postcolonial Hierarchies


TEMPORALITIES OF RUPTURE AND CONTINUITY October, 16-17 2024 Marburg After exchanging and engaging with each other’s work for our 4th Think Lab held in Frankfurt, we continue to explore themes and concepts under the umbrella of PostColonial Hiearchies in Peace and Conflict. This time we will be convening to discuss a theme of temporality and […]

The Bodies that don’t Count: Understanding the Coloniality of Violence in our Times

In a far from perfect world full of suffering and violence, our theoretical and conceptual understandings need to be constantly reinvented, to remain both relevant and responsive to the challenges of the times. The pandemic and the last few years of unpredictability in global politics have demonstrated the inadequacies of the existing understandings of violence, […]

Genealogies of African Studies in Germany: An intersectional critique and ways forward late, there is a lot of discomfort, irritation and unease in African Studies, incidentally just when it opens itself up to the business of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity (DIE). This affective state seems to mirror the overall ethos within academia in the North Atlantic that the African American intellectual Hortense Spiller describes as being […]

Rethinking the coloniality and violence of famines in the Global South [video]

“I am interested in the methodological and conceptual (un)doing of violence, in the study of famines or hunger deaths from a postcolonial perspective” Swati Parashar About this lecture: Postcolonial scholars contend that we are still doing body counts of colonialism’s violence, hence, epistemic and discursive categories may not account for the materiality of violence and […]

MIASA Midterm Conference 2023

Dr. Adam Sandor was part of the roundtable „Sustainable Peacebuilding? Historical Trajectories and Global Interconnections“ at the Merian Institute for Advanced Studies in Africa (MIASA) Midterm Conference 2023. This particular discussion was centred on the recent coups emerged mostly in West Africa. The panel was integrated by Adam Sandor (University of Bayreuth), Emma Birikorang (Kofi […]

Undoing Hierarchies: Post- and decolonial Knowledge and Practice (8.-9. November 2023)

Building on the first and second ThinkLab, we aim to move beyond the theoretical and conceptual investigations and explore novel approaches to research methodologies with a postcolonial/decolonial sensibility. The integration of knowledge and action (theory and practice) has been a core feature of the concept of ‘praxis’, however, it is not limited to that. Freire […]

Decolonizing the Third Space

This lecture introduced the notion of the ‘Third Space,’ which Karina Bidaseca conceives of as a meeting space for artists situated in the different contexts of enunciation that are commonly thought of as the South. The lecture relies on the synecdoche as a means to claim a narrative memory for the Palestinian, Vietnamese, Afro-indigenous becomings […]

Researching „hierarchies“ (7. June 2023)

Building upon the first Think Lab, the Second Virtual Think Lab, hosted by Philipps Universität Marburg, focused on an in-depth engagement with the Network´s key concept of “hierarchies”. The Virtual Think Lab examined the concept of “postcolonial hierarchies” in relation to the individual research projects of the Network´s members. based on two articles which help […]