Postcolonial Hierarchies


TEMPORALITIES OF RUPTURE AND CONTINUITY October, 16-17 2024 Marburg After exchanging and engaging with each other’s work for our 4th Think Lab held in Frankfurt, we continue to explore themes and concepts under the umbrella of PostColonial Hiearchies in Peace and Conflict. This time we will be convening to discuss a theme of temporality and […]

Undoing Hierarchies: Post- and decolonial Knowledge and Practice (8.-9. November 2023)

Building on the first and second ThinkLab, we aim to move beyond the theoretical and conceptual investigations and explore novel approaches to research methodologies with a postcolonial/decolonial sensibility. The integration of knowledge and action (theory and practice) has been a core feature of the concept of ‘praxis’, however, it is not limited to that. Freire […]

Researching „hierarchies“ (7. June 2023)

Building upon the first Think Lab, the Second Virtual Think Lab, hosted by Philipps Universität Marburg, focused on an in-depth engagement with the Network´s key concept of “hierarchies”. The Virtual Think Lab examined the concept of “postcolonial hierarchies” in relation to the individual research projects of the Network´s members. based on two articles which help […]

Conceptualizing „postcolonial hierarchies“ (5.-6. October 2022)

The Postcolonial Hierarchies in Peace & Conflict Network’s first Think Lab took place at one of its participating institutions, the Arnold Bergstraesser Institut (ABI) in Freiburg at the University of Freiburg. During the Think Lab, the Network addressed its defining notion: “postcolonial hierarchies”. The main goal of the Think Lab was to articulate a shared […]